
About this site

Hello! This is the personal site of a hobbyist, both in fandom and original works. I like creating too many characters and stories, and not putting them anywhere, so this site is intended to display them. The works on this site are fantasy and fiction with no connections to official media or real life.

In terms of fandom, there are typical Nintendo franchises, Sonic, MegaMan, and also mecha and indie franchises. The connection to canon is often weak, and there's a focus on gijinka and other strange AUs. While not the main focus, this site has shipping content of all kinds.

Hobbies such as gamedev, drawing, writing, gunpla & garage kits will be displayed, along with my various collections (particularly figurines and retro games).

What's new?

  • 0825 >>> Widgets page added, joined new FL.
  • 0824 >>> Joined fanlistings: Tamagotchi, N, Danny Phantom, Gardevoir.
  • 0824 >>> Added background images to emptier pages.
  • 0823 >>> Just completed a massive redesign of the website.


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